Please return forms to the library as soon as possible-- there is limited space and it fills up quickly.
I will send out all information through email (that's on the form) after September 16.
Dear Gold Rush Parents,
We are pleased to be able to
offer Battle of the Books to the 3rd
through 5th grade students this year. Battle of the Books is a
reading incentive program sponsored by the Douglas County Libraries. It is designed
to expose young readers to quality literature that they may not normally choose
to read. It is an exciting way to get
students hooked on popular authors and introduces exciting new series.
This year we will be starting
with a larger group and allowing the students to compete for places on the
final two teams which will be determined by mid November. Students will have to commit to reading 10
books from the BOTB list by mid December. In addition, students must attend
practice sessions before school at 8:15 am on Thursday mornings. If a student
makes it through to the final 2 teams for each grade, they compete in January
at GRE at a battle hosted by the Douglas County Librarians. The winners will go
on to represent GRE at the interschool battles at the Parker Library!
If interested in
participating in this neuron-pumping marathon, please return the form below to
the library as soon as possible. Space will fill quickly, so please advise
your student to return the form immediately. We apologize in advance for not
being able to take all respondents- we are limited by staffing and building
usage. We will contact all participants
by email after September 17 to provide all pertinent information and the
practice schedule.
We can’t wait to get your student
reading these awesome books!!
Attached is this year’s book
Gail Golish and Naomi
GRE Reading-Superhero Coaches
____________________________________________________________________Battle of
the Books
Parent Email________________________________________________________