It's Book Talk Time Again!

It is Book Talk time again and students are challenged to carefully choose a new book to explore. Each student signs-up for a presentation date following the Spring Break. Next each student reads that selection and writes up a book summary to share with their class complete with 1-10 rating.

Book Talk Guidelines

1.      You must have a copy of the book you will be talking about. No excuses.
2.   Please stand during your presentation, address the whole class.
3. Present the title, author, and genre of the book. What type of fiction? Please-- no graphic novels, no repeat books, no read alouds
4.  Explain why you chose this book for your Book Talk
5.    Provide an original summary of the storyline – not a retell. Don’t give away the ending. You cannot read the back of the book as your summary!!
6.   Share a passage (1-2 paragraphs) from the book. (not longer than a page) Please practice reading this passage- you cannot say “I don’t know this word” from a passage you chose to read out loud.
7.   What did you enjoy or dislike about this book?
8.   Who would you recommend it to?
9.   Offer a rating from 1 “not so hot” to 10 “Awesome!”
10. Ask the students if they have any questions
11.    Turn in your professional Book Talk Summary. Please proof read your work. I often post your summaries on the blog.
12.  If you would like to create a video or some interactive way to feature your book selection- please make arrangements with Ms. G

Students will be presenting their Book Talks beginning the week of March 23- so be prepared. Bring your book and Book Talk Summary to the library on your presentation day