Battle Of The Books Sign-ups are Sept. 17 - Sept. 20.
(goes live Monday at 8:00 am)
The link is in the Electronic Thursday Folders and can
be found in the Gold Rush Principal's Message.
BOTB is a reading incentive program organized and conducted by the Douglas County Libraries.
Students are required to read the 10 selected books and write 3-4 "In Which Book.." questions per chapter.
Books should be completed by the end of November -- it is a lot of reading!
In January we ask the Parker librarians to come to GRE and host our school battle to determine which teams will represent our school in the inter-school battles.
The Parker Inter-school BOTB schedule has not been released yet, but it begins in February.
Our school battles other Parker elementary schools and they work their way up the brackets. The length of our season depends on how far we go in the competition-- I expect a strong team and think we will go far this year.
Schedule for the season --so far.
Tuesdays at 7:45 am
Sept. 25 ( first practice)
Oct. 2, 16, 23, 30
Nov. 27
Dec. 4, 11, 18
Jan- TBA- Big School Battle