Book Review of “One For The Murphy’s”
By: Vanessa
Book Title: One For The Murphys
Author: Lynda Hunt
Interest Level: Grades 4th – 8th
Reading Level: Grades 4th – 5th
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Book Grade: I give this book a 7 because some of the parts of the book are uneventful or boring. I didn’t like this book as much as her other book, “Fish in A Tree”.
Why I Chose This Book: I chose this book because I liked one of Lynda Hunt’s other books called, “Fish in A Tree”, so I wanted to read another one of her books. Also, I have had this book for awhile and have been eager to read it.
What Did You Enjoy Or Dislike About The Book?: One reason that I enjoyed this book is that the author explained the characters well throughout the book and when they were introduced. Something else that I liked about this book is Carley’s personality and story. But there were some things that I disliked about the story.
Who Would I Recommend This Book To?: The person that I would recommend this book to is my Mom. Why I would recommend this book my Mom is that she Lynda Hunt’s, “Fish In A Tree” and really enjoyed it so I think that she would like this book too!
Book Summary:
The book, “One For The Murphys” is about a girl named Carley Connors. Carley’s mom is in a hospital so Carley ends up in foster care. The foster family she is with is the Murphys. The Murphys are Julie Murphy, a stay-at-home mom. Jack Murphy, a fireman and three boys. The oldest boy is Daniel who likes to play basketball. The middle boy, Adam always plays with the youngest boy, Michael Eric.
In the beginning, Carley doesn’t want to stay with the Murphys she just wants to find a way back to her mom. Mrs. Murphy tries making Carley feel welcome by giving her her own room and space. Then she does a “Girls Day” with Carley which consists of lunch, shopping and dinner. This is quite a different experience than when her and her mom did dumpster diving for clothes at night when the Goodwill was closed.
Next, Mrs. Murphy enrolls Carley in the 8th grade at the same school as Daniel. In her class she meets a really mean girl named Toni. After they are assigned partners for a project by their teacher, Mr. Ruben, they become good friends even best friends over time.
In the end, Carley’s mom is out of the hospital and into rehab and is now allowed to take Carley. However, Carley does not want to leave the Murphys.
Will she stay with the Murphys or go back to Las Vegas with her mom? Read “One For The Murphys” to find out.
Passage to Share:
Sitting in the back of the social worker’s car, I try to remember how my mother has always said to never show your fear. She’d be disappointed to see me now. Shaking. Just going without a fight.
The social worker, Mrs. MacAvoy, pulls out of the hospital parking lot while I play with the electric-lock button on her car door. Lock. Unlock. Lock. Unlock. She glares at me in the mirror and says, “Please… stop that. The door needs to stay locked.”
I love it when people use the word please but they sound like they want to remove your face. I stop. But I’m not doing it to bug her like she thinks. It’s just that I can’t keep still. And it beats jumping out of a moving car.
My fingers play with my hospital bracelet. I stare at my name. Carley Connors. Thirteen letters. How unlucky can one person be?